Southeast Texas Medical Associates, LLP James L. Holly, M.D. Southeast Texas Medical Associates, LLP

Facebook - The Future of Primary Care - Five Years Later
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Written by me five years ago, this is still true

This is a comment, recently made about my current interests -- really passions -- in health care:  “Drawn to immunology, rheumatology and hematology in medical school and post graduate training, I look back on my soon-to-be forty-year medical career and am grateful that while those medical disciplines still intrigue me, I did not get “side tracked” from the opportunity to participate in the most exciting movement in modern medicine:  the transformation of healthcare delivery through informatics and the development of electronic patient management.  

"While the below announced “Town Hall” is entitled, “The Future of Primary Care”, it could more aptly be titled, “Primary Care, The Future of Healthcare”.  

This is the most exciting time in the history of medicine, in my humble judgment, and the most exciting vantage point from which to observe, to participate in and to influence health care is that of Primary Care.

 It is true that OUR SPECIALTY is PEOPLE!  As we each, “tell our story,” we will influence another generation to make the most creative choice of their lives and that is to become a 'people specialist' through primary care."