Southeast Texas Medical Associates, LLP James L. Holly, M.D. Southeast Texas Medical Associates, LLP

Transforming Your Practice - Summation of SETMA's TCPI Website
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Transforming Your Practice TCPI

Summation of SETMA’s TCPI Website

  • Complete copy, with Index composed of hyperlinks, of all sections of SETMA’s TCPI website

Transforming Your Practice - CMS Quality 12.2015 TCPI

Transforming Your Practice - Leadership and Governance

Transforming Your Practice - Care Coordination

Transforming Your Practice - HIPPA and Security

Transforming Your Practice - Data Analytics

Transforming Your Practice - Care Transitions

Transforming Your Practice - LESS Initiative

Transforming Your Practice - Medical Records

Transforming Your Practice - Clinical Decision Support

Transforming Your Practice - Hospital Care Tools

Transforming Your Practice - Disease Management Tools

Transforming Your Practice - Preventive Health Tools

Transforming Your Practice - Behavioral Health

Transforming Your Practice - Transformation Tools

Transforming Your Practice - “NEW” Transformation Tools

Transforming Your Practice - Patient-Centric Care

  • The following are links to some of our “stories:”

Transforming Your Practice - Nursing Home

Medical Home SETMA, LLP The Story and the Ideals

Medical Home - Display and Explanation of SETMA’s Patient-Centered Medical Home Tools