Southeast Texas Medical Associates, LLP James L. Holly, M.D. Southeast Texas Medical Associates, LLP

Facebook - What does a retired physician do?
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This is the baby.

What does a retired physician do?

Two days ago, a Facebook friend whom I had never met, contacted me about a one-year old child who was ill. The family had no money. 

With a careful history and a picture, medical counsel was given. Over 48 hours, multiple contacts were made until a house call was made. 

i started to take pictures but decided to protect their identity. The baby is doing well. He and his sister are beautiful and pre ious. I received the following note just now

“Dr, holly. I praise thr lord for u seeing about this baby YESTERDAY, i cant thank u enough.”

Great Story but here is the best part!

The child, the mother, the sister and the friend who made the contact and wrote the note are all African American. I am Caucasian 

As I visited in their home, loved on the babies and visited with all, I was blessed and delighted. 

I think that daily all over America there are such kindnesses taking place that prove to us all that we are not racist and that while we are all sinners in our hearts we share the love of Jesus with one another. 

I love my new friends.

Another note from my new friend

“My family thanks you Dr. Holly & for sure u didnt have to come to our home to see the baby, BUT u couldn't turn away.... WE PRAISE GOD FOR YOU ..... I was taking pics and u didnt even know!!!! Thank u for the big hug that u gave all of us!!!!”

James L. Holly, M.D.

Adjunct Professor
Department of Family and Community Medicine
UT Health San Antonio
Joe R. and Teresa Lozano Long School of Medicine