Southeast Texas Medical Associates, LLP James L. Holly, M.D. Southeast Texas Medical Associates, LLP

Letters - Response by YAI Chief of Mental Health Services NYC, NY July 3, 2013 to Dr. Holly’s Critique of Top Three Obstacles to Better Primary Care
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Dear Dr. Holly,

Bravo again on sharing your cogent and clear views with our healthcare community. I thought it was dead on and I am adding it to a growing body of your work that is shared with our staff with the purpose of shaping our mental healthcare department. Your work helps guide and steady my thinking during these times of "healthcare reform". Your work helps reframe that view to "healthcare perform". Much easier to stay focused and not sit docile while policy is sorted out.

I wanted to use this opportunity to once again thank you for your presentation in New York City at the YAI Network's Developmental Disabilities  conference. It continues to have systemic impact.

We work really hard to provide the kind of healthcare we think is important for patients with complex needs. It feels like we are spending more and more time on finance than on issues of healthcare,  but your clear practices, your measures of change, and how that is used to drive the ambitions of health care, health change, health self control.... are so helpful in regaining focus and mission.

My department is currently working on template development for mental health in NextGen which the clinic recently started using. We provide cognitive, developmental and psychosocial evaluations and have recently been refining our abilities to provide useful pragmatic autism and neuropsych assessments. We are also refining our Health Psychology and Family Therapy services. Again we are using your work to help guide our development of communication systems that facilitates clinician adherence to sound practice while developing clearer measurement, and using that measurement to motivate staff to provide better care.

So that's my update and opportunity to again thank you for your continued contributions to our field / world.


Richard Cohen, Ph.D.

Chief of Mental Health Services
Center for Specialty Therapy
YAI/National Institute for People with Disabilities Network