Southeast Texas Medical Associates, LLP James L. Holly, M.D. Southeast Texas Medical Associates, LLP

Letters - BTI Medical Home in Texas -- any further thoughts
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April 22, 2014

Ms. Jessica DiLorenzo

Recently, we corresponded about BTE and the PC-MH (see  In a published article (see:

The BTE recognition for PC-MH is described as requiring the following:

“BTE's Medical Home recognition is a natural extension of its current programs and will be automatically triggered when doctors achieve a certain level of performance in BTE's Physician Office Link Program and at least two of BTE's condition-specific programs, such as the Diabetes Care Link, Cardiac Care Link and Spine Care Link.

“Recognized physicians will be awarded a BTE Medical Home distinction in addition to the other Program recognitions because they have demonstrated that they have adopted and are effectively using advanced systems of care to produce good results for their patients.

“Physicians who achieve a Level 2 or Level 3 in BTE's Physician Office Link (POL) Program as well as a Level 2 in two other BTE programs -- Diabetes Care Link, Cardiac Care Link or Spine Care Link -- will achieve BTE Medical Home recognition.”

Ms. DiLorenzo, have you had any further thoughts about a PC-MH, BTE program in Texas and/or how we might initiative one.  Also, can SETMA (www.setma, receive BTE PC-MH recognition without there being a Texas based BTE, PC-MH program?  As you may remember, and as indicated in this last link, SETMA is has NCQA Tier III PC-MH Recogntion, AAAHC Ambulatory and Medical Home Accreditation, URAC Ambulatory and Medical Home Accreditation and The Joint Commission Ambulatory Care and Medical Home Accreditation. 

Thank you.

James (Larry) Holly, M.D.

Adjunct Professor
Family & Community Medicine
University of Texas Health Science Center
San Antonio School of Medicine 

Clinical Associate Professor
Department of Internal Medicine
School of Medicine
Texas A&M Health Science Center 

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