Southeast Texas Medical Associates, LLP James L. Holly, M.D. Southeast Texas Medical Associates, LLP

Letters - Dr. Holly and the MBA
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A number of years ago, perhaps as long at the second year SETMA was in existence, Mark Wilson wrote me a letter. In that letter he expressed his vision for my participation in SETMA.  It was that I should become a national spokesperson for healthcare transformation.  I have searched diligently for that letter.  I know were I last placed it.  I would love to have that letter, particularly after Mark’s death. 
This morning, as I walked down the hall of our Executive Office Suite, I noticed the framed copy of the below which my partners gave me in 2004.  This was Mark’s idea and he presented it to me at our celebration.  As I re-read it, I realized the greatest value it has is that it came from Mark. As SETMA begins our 18th year, it is a good time to remember our roots and our foundation. While this is directed to me, it really addresses SETMA’s philosophy and policies.

Southeast Texas Medical Associates University
To all to whom these letters shall come, Greetings:
We your partners, colleagues and friends today bestow upon you

James Larry Holly
Honorary masters of Business Administration
You have met each of the requirements set forth by all institutions of higher learning.
You have attained knowledge and excellence and proven your abilities in the practice of business.

WE acknowledge you  before your peers for your tireless efforts in taking SETMA to a level others would desire to obtain.
The accolades you have brought to SETMA were birthed through vision and boundless energy given only to few men.
We honor you for the contributions you have made not only in the workplace, but in each of our lives as well.
L:eaders are often draped in character , confidence and unafraid to sacrifice for the good of all.
You have not only understood but have lived and led by those very principles.
I is most important to understand that he qualities outlined in this document,
Were structured and placed into you by God,
Who gave you self-discipline, dogged determination and fierce independence.

We the partners and administration of  SETMA,
Are proud to serve our community with you and under your leadership.
It with great pride that we uphold these words as truths.
We acknowledge you before our friends gathered together today,
August 20, 2004 on the occasion of
SETMA’s Ninth Anniversary Celebration

We offer up to you this degree,
Whereas we say with one voice,
Well done.