Southeast Texas Medical Associates, LLP James L. Holly, M.D. Southeast Texas Medical Associates, LLP

Letters - Letter of Recommendation for Kelly Darden June 19, 2018
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Texas Tech Postmasters Program
School of Nursing

Dear Madame:

This letter is sent in support of Mrs. Kelly Daren’s application for admission to your Postmaster’s program in Advanced Practice Nursing.  Mrs. Darden has twenty-two years of experience at the Register Nurse and Nurse Practitioner level.  For the past six years, Mrs. Darden has been a nurse practitioner at Southeast Texas Medical Associates, LLP.  She has a master’s in Adult Health Nurse Practitioner from McNeese State University.  She seeks admission to your program to complete a Family Nurse Practitioner certification.

SETMA is an award winning multi-specialty practice with an emphasis on primary care.  We are accredited for ambulatory care and patient-centered medical home by NCQA (2010-2019, the Joint Commission (2014-2020) and has been accredited by URAC and AAACH.  SETMA is the only practice in America which has been accredited by all four agencies.  SETMA also is recognized by NCQA for Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease excellence in care.  SETMA has also been recognized by the CDC and the Texas Department of Health for infectious disease reporting.

Mrs. Darden has been in integral part of SETMA’s growth and development in patient-centered care.  SETMA’s pioneering work in electronic patient records, electronic patient management, data analytics, population health, public reporting of quality performance by provider name (see and in advocacy for care for the most vulnerable of our community has been supporting by Mrs. Darden and her nurse practitioner colleagues and other health professionals at SETMA.

Mrs. Darden’s clinical knowledge, judgement, diagnostic acumen and patient relationships are exemplary.  Her desire to complete your program is for professional development but it is my opinion that while she is learning from you, she will be a credit to your program.

Few things address Mrs. Darden’s excellence as do her participation in, learning from and contribution to, SETMA, LLP.  The following illustrate SETMA’s “model of care,” PC-MH history and process analysis.  The last article details our accreditations and awards.

In the context of the above, it is a pleasure and an honor to recommend Mrs. Darden for your program.  Should additional information be needed, please don’t hesitate to contract me.  During her time of study with you, I would think you will find her a rich resource for your other students.

Sincerely yours,


James L. Holly, M.D.

Adjunct Professor
Department of Family and Community Medicine
UT Health San Antonio
Joe R. and Teresa Lozano Long School of Medicine 

Associate Professor
Department of Internal Medicine
Texas A&M University
School of Medicine