Southeast Texas Medical Associates, LLP James L. Holly, M.D. Southeast Texas Medical Associates, LLP

Letters - PC-MH Paul Grundy to Darren DeWalt and Dr. Holly to Pual and Darren April 19, 2015
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Thank you, Paul. This is great.  We will reach out. Darren

Darren A. DeWalt, MD, MPH
Director, Learning and Diffusion Group
Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation
Mail Stop
7500 Security Boulevard
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Paul Grundy’s Note to Darren DeWalt - April 18, 2015

From: Paul Grundy []
Sent: Saturday, April 18, 2015 10:38 AM
To: DeWalt, Darren A. (CMS/CMMI)
Subject: RE: CMS Transforming Clinical Practice


In the past 4 years I have worked with a number of  Clinicians and practices that have transformed their practices and hosted international visitors from over a dozen countries and done a fantastic jobs at the PC-PCC or been engaged in ongoing training as faculty to provide input on building PCMH level care all have been open to  site visit, and often speak on webinars or other learning events.  Here you go.

  1. Univ of Utah  11 clinics in a teaching role is the oldest of the academic PCMH now in year 11 they have hosted China, New Zealand, Australia  and many many folks from the USA.   The won  the RWJ transitions in care award (See attached file: Harvard Business Review 06 2014.pdf)(See attached file: Harvard Business Review.pdf)(See attached file: New York Times.pdf)(See attached file: The Economist.pdf)(See attached file: US News.pdf)(See attached file: USA Today.pdf)(See attached file: Transparency Packet.pdf)(See attached file: Value booklet(3).pdf)  contact,

  2. Univ of Nebraska Midtown - you’re already connected

  3. SETMA -- South East Texas Medical Association is amazing  they  have hosted so many and made such a huge difference Contact "James Holly" <>, 

  4. Bon Secours Medical Group in Richmond Virginia.  contact   "Fortini, Robert J." <>,

  5. Martins Point Maine i think they have the distinction of having the highest Medicare advantage score contact CEO, CMO Alain Montegut

  6. Group Health Seattle -- --

  7. UCSF Dept of family med /center for excellence in primary care --  "Olayiwola, Jacqueline" <>, "Grumbach, Kevin" <>,

  8. Clinica salud  contact Stanley J. Brasher Administration and Training Center 203 S. Rollie Avenue Fort Lupton, CO 80621

I know these folks will give you what your looking for and more I have visited all of them and all have been engaged in transformation and than spreading that

Paul Grundy, MD, MPH
IBM's Global Director of Healthcare Transformation
President, Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative
Member IBM Industry Academy  

Dr. Holly’s note to Darren DeWalt, et al and to Paul Grundy - April 19, 2015

From: James L. Holly
Sent: Sunday, April 19, 2015 10:39 AM
To: DeWalt, Darren A. (CMS/CMMI)
Cc: Paul Grundy; West, Catherine (CMS/CMMI); Wagner, Dennis C. (CMS/CCSQ); Fortini, Robert J.;; Olayiwola, Jacqueline; Grumbach, Kevin

Subject: Re: CMS Transforming Clinical Practice

Thank you Paul.  You are the conduit for the international visits to SETMA.  The following link gives a brief introduction to SETMA:   The following are brief summaries of several visits to SETMA.  


The following link is to the contents of the notebook we prepared for the Mainland Chinese delegation that visited SETMA in August, 2014:  This material is now being translated and taught to Chinese physicians.  


Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas

The following is the response of a 15-member team that visited SETMA April 3, 2015

“Hello Dr. Holly:  We are so grateful for the time and information you and your Team so generously shared with us. We had much to talk about on the way home and we are still processing.  We are literally awe struck by the system you and your Team have perfected for timely, efficient and effective delivery of care. We are looking forward to you coming to San Antonio, touring our clinics and meeting with our Leadership.  Thank you for the additional links/information you sent me. I have forwarded it to our Integrated Care Task Force.  With your permission we will be contacting you and your Team in the near future for clarification on some issues.  Thank you again. Kathryn Jones LCSW Director of Behavioral Health Services”

The following is a summary of PC-MH penetration and of SETMA's accreditation: