From: Darrell Kirch
Date: July 18, 2017 at 9:46:41 PM CDT
Subject: Thank You
Dear Dr. Holly:
Thank you so much, not only for sending this information, but especially for your tireless dedication to academic medicine and to the school of medicine in which you began your career. I often am struck by the realization that I “stand on the shoulders of giants,” and now I understand that you are one of those giants.
While I never met Dr. Pannill, I do know Dr. Heinrich (another of those “giants”). His tribute to you was very much on target, and heartwarming to read. Please know how appreciative I am of all you have done to make the AAMC what it is today.
With very best wishes,
Darrell G. Kirch, M.D.
President and CEO
Association of American Medical Colleges
Washington, DC 20001