Southeast Texas Medical Associates, LLP James L. Holly, M.D. Southeast Texas Medical Associates, LLP

Letters - Response to Why I Reject The Model Presented at a recent Conference Posted to
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Dear Dr. Holly,

Thank  you for providing this in-depth explanation regarding the recent ________ conference and your reasons behind rejecting the model presented by the host conveners.   I totally respect your decision and fortitude in standing up for your beliefs and truly appreciate the time and effort you gave in writing this article.

Is it possible to gain your permission to share your article with others?  My Board may be interested in reading it, but I was also thinking the other _________ regional leaders.   There are many of us that understand that the causation of health inequity is multi-factorial and that we cannot ignore all the other factors when program planning or advocating for policy change.  The blame game only creates animosity among different populations and disruptive does not mean productive. Our nation needs to heal and the violence has to end.

Coalition members have made considerable progress addressing oral health challenges in Texas and will continue to do so without playing the blame game.  With the ___________ and __________ joining forces to collaborate and form a new oral health initiative we will surely be able to create viable solutions to improve the oral health for all Texans.  I hope you will consider partnering with us in this endeavor, but understand your caution before agreeing to anything.

I am sorry the ______ Atlanta conference did not turn out as expected and hope that TxOHC can prove our worth to you to stay connected in the future.


-----Original Message-----

From: James L. Holly [
Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2016 4:52 AM
Subject: Final Draft of Why I Reject The Model Presented at a recent Conference Posted to

Final Draft of Why I Reject The Model Presented at a Recent Conference

Posting Of A Minister Friend's Response to Above Letter

While it is not addressed in the above article, fundamental to this discussion is our rejection of "healthcare paternalism."  Patients are no longer passive recipients of care but they are active participants in their care.

Introduction to:  Why I Left A Conference After The First Session

As each of you know, I flew to Atlanta and returned home on Wednesday after the introductory session at the conference.  I have spent part of yesterday and today to explain my objection to the session which I attended.

I was asked to attend this conference by someone I greatly respect, _______.  I suspect that while we share a common passion for universal healthcare and excellence in that, that we might have some differences of philosophy but maybe not. It has never been necessary for us to discuss these things in order to benefit from what to me has been a valuable, rich and delightful collaboration.

I did not want my interaction at the conference to be an embarrassment to _____ or to my new friend, _____.  Neither do I want to be offensive to _____.   _____, you don’t need my approbation to know that you are an gifted communicator and a very bright young man.  But, you know by now that I strongly differ with  how you see things in regard to the political concepts of “social justice” and “health equity.”  I both practice and believe in the desired result of both but I define them differently and approach the dynamic of generative healthcare transformation differently.

The attached is the final, first draft of my attempt to seriously address these issues.  You may not find the time or the interest to read them and that is your privilege.  I will continue over this weekend to refine this document.  I have not identified your organizations and will not.  If you are interested in discussing any of these issues, I will be happy to do so.  As you already know, you are under no obligation to respond.

I applaud your goals and hope that there is a way for SETMA to support those goals while holding different views as described in this article.

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