Southeast Texas Medical Associates, LLP James L. Holly, M.D. Southeast Texas Medical Associates, LLP

About SETMA - Special Services - The Metabolism Clinic
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Special Services

SETMA providers aggressively treat Diabetes, Cholesterol, Weight, Metabolic Syndrome, Hypertension, Insulin Resistance, Pre-Diabetes and Pre-hypertension. These conditions are all interrelated. Effective treatment for one requires knowledge of, attention to and effective treatment of all. With an integrated evaluation model and comprehensive treatment plans, SETMA providers have designed a Metabolism Clinic where all of these problems are addressed simultaneously. With evaluation and treatment in SETMA's Metabolism Clinic you can expect to maximize your health and minimize your disease risk.

SETMA's Metabolism Clinic staff has special interest in each of these problems and is aggressive in the treatment of all of them. With a team approach, ranging from Primary Care, to Endocrinology, to Ophthalmology, to Podiatry, to Neurology, to Nephrology, to Diabetic Education, to Podiatry, to specially trained nurses, to Physical Therapy and Exercising Training, to Information Technology, to state-of-the-art laboratory support, to a support staff knowledgeable about the imperative of excellent care for patients in the Metabolism Clinic, SETMA has adopted national standards of care in order to maximize your opportunity for good health and long life.

SETMA's Metabolism Clinic operates on the premise that your health is your responsibility and that our responsibility is to help you to achieve the highest quality of life and health which you have chosen to have. Our goal is to teach you, to encourage you, to assist you and to help you be healthy and to avoid illnesses you don't have and to overcome those which you do.

For SETMA's Metabolism Clinic team to be complete, it is only necessary for you to join that team. Together we can be healthier. To review each element of SETMA's Metabolism clinic, click on the links below.