Southeast Texas Medical Associates, LLP James L. Holly, M.D. Southeast Texas Medical Associates, LLP

The SETMA Way - What is it?
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Foundationally, "the SETMA way" is a culture of mutual trust and respect.  Upon that foundation stand three pillars, described in the paragraph which follows:

“Southeast Texas Medical Associates, LLP maintains three standards of measuring any decision, all three must be met before we undertake any action. 

  • First, we ask the question ‘Is it legal?’ – This involves ethics.  If an action is not legal, we need go no further in our evaluation; we will not do it. 
  • But, even if an action is legal, we are not yet at the point of decision; we move to the second step of our evaluation, which applies a higher standard.  We ask the question, ‘Is it right?’ – This involves equity, i.e., is it fair to all parties. 
  • However, even if a decision is right, this does not get us to a final decision.  Before we decide anything, we go one step further and ask the question, ‘Is it righteous,’ – this involves eternity.  If it is not righteous, no matter how legal and right an action may be, Christians should not be involved in it.  If an action is not ethical, equitable and eternally acceptable, we do not enter into any business agreement.  Thus far, God has blessed our practice beyond our comprehension.”

The SETMA Way is supported by our "management philosophy,” a partial statement of which is contained in an attachment of that same name.  The SETMA way  is founded upon the judgment that we are the recipients of blessings which exceed our collective efforts and which can only be ascribed to the blessings of God.  A statement of that judgment is attached as a personal statement to others by our CEO.

The SETMA Way is contained in our public motto:  healthcare where your health is the only care; and in our private commitment:  we want to do good, while we are doing well.  Doing good for others stands in the best tradition of American medicine, where without regard to personal profit or benefit, we diligently care for others.

The SETMA Way demands that we treat every man, woman, or child with dignity and respect.  It dictates that we treat those who are unpleasant, unkind, and/or unable to pay for the services we perform.  It means that we esteem every man and woman as special creations of God and therefore as our neighbor and worthy recipients of our healing ministries.  We treat every man, woman or child with the humility born of gratitude for our blessings and responsibility for our talents and resources.

The SETMA Way means that we support and protect our staff and that we treat them fairly and justly.   It means that we recognize and honor diligence and excellence, compensating it with our gratitude and with our financial resources. 

The SETMA Way means that we constantly strive to improve what we are doing, continually striving for excellent, always mindful of Dr. Wilson’s reminder, “excellent is not a destination at which you arrive, but a direction in which you travel.”  And, our striving is always in the spirit of Mikhail Baryshnikov who said, “I do not try to dance better than anyone else.  I only try to dance better than myself.” 

The SETMA Way is demonstrated by our efforts to resolve conflict creatively and to build consensus among colleagues who are collaborative for the good of all.  The SETMA Way means that we eschew pettiness, vulgarity, profanity, gossip, backbiting and rumor mongering.  The SETMA means that we speak and think well of one another.  The SETMA way means that we enjoy one another and protect one another.  The SETMA way means that we are loyal to one another.

The elements of the SETMA Way are shared by many who would name it differently, but who strive for the same excellence, the same service, and the same goals with the same passion, purpose and vision as us.

The SETMA Way is our way; we believe it is the right way.

James L. Holly, MD
For the Partners and Colleagues of SETMA