All of SETMA’s public reported audits are posted to the web for over 300 quality metrics. The following are the PCPI Hypertension metrics for 2009, 2012, 2011, and 2012.
Everyone could improve their performance if they would simple do what we have reviewed in our training sessions. Taking 30 seconds or less, you can improve by:
- Opening the Hypertension Disease Management tool and clicking on the “calculate assessment button”
- Which automatically calculates your stage, risk and class of hypertension
- Clicking on the “lifestyle changes”
- Clicking on the “Hypertension Plan”
- Clicking on the “follow-up document”
That’s five clicks!
Then if the patient has not reached your goal or if they have not received the “follow-up document” that year: Print the document on the laser printer in your exam room and give it to them.
This will take less than 30 seconds. Your refusal to use these excellent tools reflects badly on SETMA. Please change your workflow to include these simple steps.



