Southeast Texas Medical Associates, LLP James L. Holly, M.D. Southeast Texas Medical Associates, LLP

Letters - SETMA's letter with Inclusions sent to 105 Pharmacies About e-Prescribing
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September 10, 2015

Dear Pharmacy Manager,

Never has the partnership and collaboration between healthcare providers (Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants) and pharmacists been more real than now.  Patient safety and quality of care requires careful transitions of care between all members of the healthcare team.  Gone are the days when pharmacists had to interpret prescription orders.  Now pharmacies receive prescription orders electronically and providers receive notifications that the prescription has been received by the pharmacist.  For the patient, this process is convenient and efficient.

The ultimate quality, safety and convenience in the process is now available.  About 4% of physicians can now transmit controlled substances electronically.  SETMA has been testing this function for almost six months and have now rolled it out to all SETMA providers.

The attached material describes SETMA’s program in detail.  Included are:

  1. ePCS and High Intensity Drug Trafficking Program
  2. ePCS Instructions – How to e-prescribe controlled substances
  3. Prescribing Pain Medications:  A Conundrum for Patient and Provider

This correspondence is to inquire as to whether your pharmacy can receive electronic prescriptions and electronic control substances prescriptions. 

Would you please take a moment to complete the enclosed questionnaire and place it in the enclosed self-addressed envelope.  This will help us know which pharmacies our patients can use with these new functions and will hopefully enable us to encourage all pharmacies to use these functions.  The questionnaire includes:

  1. Can you receive electronic prescriptions?
  2. Can you receive electronic prescriptions for controlled substances?
  3. If you cannot receive either of the above, do you plan to begin doing so?
  4. When will that function be available at your pharmacy?

If you do not respond to this inquiry, we will assume that you can do neither and will let our patients know that we cannot use this function in their care.

Sincerely yours,

James (Larry) Holly, M.D.

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