Overview and the Philosophical Underpinnings to SETMA's Website (www.jameslhollymd.com) which is SETMA's "Offer" to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services' (CMS) Transforming Clinic Practice Initiative TCPI
From: Maureen Bisognano
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2015 3:31 AM
To: James L. Holly
Cc: Trissa Torres; Ninon Lewis; Kedar Mate; Don Berwick; Derek Feeley
Subject: RE: Overview and the Philosophical Underpinnings to SETMA's Website (www.jameslhollymd.com) which is SETMA's "Offer" to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services' (CMS) Transforming Clinic Pracitie Initiative TCPI
Brilliant, Larry, as always! Thanks for your vision and your strategic and practical approach to change. What you have been able to accomplish at SETMA is clearly a model for physician-led change for the rest of the country to follow!
I'm copying a few IHI leaders who follow your work and are leading change in the practice setting.
Warm thanks,
Maureen Bisognano
President and CEO
Institute for Healthcare Improvement